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Letra de canción Perdoname - Demis Roussos

Imprimir letra Perdoname de Demis Roussos
Now the time has come to say goodbye
But I don´t want to see you start to cry
Now at last comes the end of the game
Close yours eyes and let me go away
And believe me, I really tried to stay
There´s no reason and no one´s to blame
Somehow we´ll have to take it
If I hurt you I am sorry
I´m just a stranger who came from nowhere
One rainy day
If I hurt you I am sorry
You´ll find a new love
And you´ll descover a bright new day
Now the time has come to say goobye
But I don´t want to see you start to cry
Now at last comes the end of the game
We knew we have to face it
If I hurt you I am sorry
I´m just a stranger who came from nowhere
One rainy day
If I hurt you I am sorry
You´ll find a new love
And you´ll descover a bright new day
Demis Roussos
Imprimir letra Perdoname de Demis Roussos
